
Injury religion

In our turbulent and unpredictable world of many overturns with «upside down». What used to be «white» - now we are beginning to be called «black». So religion gradually from a purely personal choice everyone starts to become the object of attack «rational minds», who compare it with drugs. Their logical chain of reasoning quite so simple, and at first glance quite adequately. Drugs (chemicals) cause the body to a certain addictive drugs, religion is a matter of addictive soul and mind rights to certain dogmas and teachings. Religion imposes strict prohibitions on the person (not Khoury, not kill) in the form of dogmas, threatening GuĂ©henno fire in case of violation - that is, keep the identity of fear, like drugs. Another important argument against religion - religion at the root of our suppresses cravings for knowledge around the world - «because the world - is the god of creation - his knowledge is not possible».

Humanity has zealously followed the drug, karaya strictly for their use and marketing - and why religion left unattended? Rhetorical question. Skeptics offer a completely exclude religion from our lives, as a major brake progress and human thought.

They, in turn, are contrary to religious people, claiming that religion does not force anyone to join forces in temple or pray - it is purely a personal choice for everyone. The church only extends a hand of assistance in a difficult moment - a person chooses itself - take the hand of assistance or not.

Proponents of the view that religion is akin to drugs, the following example in defense of his argument: if any ailment overcome a man who deeply believe in the Lord - he went not in the hospital for help, and the temple of God - thereby allowing physicians time to cure the patient.

But still, everyone is free to choose himself - believe it or not. Many people, even the most notorious skeptics agree that much better to let people will take to religion than drugs - the same show, «of 2 evils to choose the least».

Religion and science

Everything in this world has its origin and a beginning. It is only a little searching and we find the source. For a long time, scientists, theologians, simple death began to wonder: where began the religion itself? What led to its emergence.

In ancient belief was based in ignorance and fear generated by them: many natural phenomena are beyond the understanding of people, and all due to a hand of God and his will. Our ancient ancestors prayed to the gods of fear, to avoid the vagaries of nature and receive mercy. Or in other words - the basis of religion is fear. This soil appears interlayer «enlightened» - or in another priest, who played the role of mediator between mortals and gods.

The next stage of evolution and brings a new basis of religion - the desire to achieve harmony and peace. The man - there are social and to live in harmony with these societies, people are beginning to create rules and regulations co-existence based on faith. Middle Ages brought the idea to the absolute - the religion becomes a dogma of existence - the Crusades, the main purpose of which power and money under the guise of religion. The strengths of this worlds have decided on the grounds of human ignorance, fear of the Lord - to build their power and prosperity. At that time, any cognitive activity Kara, and scientists proclaimed servants of the devil.

Then, humanity begins to be more individualistami than collectivist: the moral fabric of our existence are beginning to be formulated more than «how to coexist in peace with others», but «how to behave». Religion is beginning to emerge as a system of individual dogmas and rules that govern our behavior and thoughts.

In the century of science and progress of religion gradually replace our thrust to the knowledge of the world around them. We are beginning to penetrate into the spheres of our existence, which had previously been under a strict taboo «this is a God - death is not given to understand». Much that previously we were inclined to explain the will of the Lord, now has a strictly scientific framework and rules.

Despite such strange and a dual history of religion and science, each of whom is now taking its place in the world: religion has become a vent, which is vanity frail days helps a person; science was the same guide, which leads inquiring minds to new heights of knowledge.

Isoteric look at the history of religions

With the advent of the new millennium comes a new understanding of the concept of religion and faith. A turn of the millennium was pereyden, try to comprehend the same, with the understanding of religion, we found the new century. Most man in the street believes that religion is unexpected and spontaneous, without any clear cause-effect relationships concept. The second part of misconception regarding religion - the fear to move away from tradition, worship rituals and religion - in order not to get punished over. Indeed, the essence of religion is to promote consciousness and the soul of man, to bring to his life a positive, rather than constrain its taboos and fear.

Esoterica argues that properly considered the origin of religion strictly so as it was described in the holy books. Religion, by its very nature is reflected human development at some stage. If there was need for a change in society - religion here has played a catalytic role, which brought the desired changes. To do this, use the so-called «hierarchical law», which states that peace in the strict hierarchy - God, angels, priests and etc. A simple mortals say that they are at the lowest level of the hierarchy and must therefore humbly exist. In the same way people and delivered the commandments, «t.k is sent over - people have to strictly abide by».

Esoterica identifies the following major religions that have arisen as a result of the development of socio-cultural community of people. The most ancient, they are those that are based on ancient Vedic knowledge (hence the name) - Vedic: Buddhists; Evropeyskie religions have their origin from the general theory of Aryan: ognischanstvo (sun worship in ancient Rus) - common form of beliefs in Eastern Europe, which was subsequently replaced by yazychnichestvo; Eastern religion Semitic: Judaism, Islam and Christianity.

Esoterica raises only one premise to the rank of truths - Religion is procreation of human consciousness and a desire to improve it. Depending on the mentality, traditions and culture - in religion was based on different values, but that they touch - a creative side, non-violence as a way to achieve harmony.

Atheism as a religion

Verbatim symbol of the word - do not take life without the divine and supernatural forces. The term first appeared in France. A long time, the term underwent many changes, much depended on a particular historical epoch. In an era of the Spanish Inquisition, when only one word atheist could fall into the torture chamber or the Inquisition to the fire, a rare man dared to say that he did not believe. In an era of the French Revolution, when there is rapid development of society, scientific thought is beginning to explain many things that previously were beyond human God, atheism is beginning to be perceived as usual attitude of the educated person of that era. In the XXI century has shifted consciousness. Our practical science to explain all phenomena, and we now have the freedom to choose between faith and atheism.

Many people believe that atheist - a man who completely exclude a faith, but it is not quite true. For atheists, there are certain religions that are acceptable to them - because does not have a nucleus of his belief in the supernatural - Buddhism.

The main argument of atheists - the existence of extraterrestrial and supernatural and the divine power can not prove practical. They further argue humanitarian disciplines: sociology, history, etc., to prove its truth. The most frequent arguments against a supernatural religion: there is no scientific evidence; religion - an invention of death, religion is merely a way to control the masses;

The term atheism in the beginning of its existence, used as an impish treatment to all or anything, or who contradict common beliefs or religion. Only after many years of that term has become today's value. Adopted distinguish between strong atheism (complete rejection of God and a willingness to prove their point of view); weak atheism (disbelief in the existence of a specific manifestation of God); theoretical atheism (use science as a refutation of God); anthropological atheism (human above the beginning of the divine).

The dispute believers and atheists are many centuries, each side is prepared to lead a lot of arguments to defend their arguments. Each individual is free to make their own choices based on their arguments.

New Age

Literally «new age», is a general name for the various religious currents. According to historians date the beginning of this area is the end of World II, a peak of development - the seventies century that has passed. The basis for this was esoteric and the desire to build a world in its kanonah. Etymology title of the course goes back to the faith of the early «new age», which will bring universal peace and harmony in the twenty-first century. New Age in itself does not include a strict hierarchy or malomalskuyu structure.

Followers of the areas considered sacred and possess a magic power quartz crystals.

The main causes of the current outbreak have been socio-cultural events middle of the last century. The company began to deviate from the normal, considering their last vestige of life. Especially hot this protest against the traditions of the past voiced young people who wanted to find their way. Against this backdrop, a draft of the entire previously unknown: Eastern philosophy, as unique and, accordingly, very inviting to the western world is beginning to penetrate into different spheres of life: medicine, popkultura, style, cuisine, etc. Popular culture is beginning to dominate the minds of men more people start to believe more in what they told the media. Against this backdrop, the role and influence of the Christian religion down to nothing.

The main article criticizing the direction is too narrow and one-sided interpretation of the Bible and the theories and science. Representatives of the direction selective approach to everything, rejecting completely that do not fit into their world vision. Ministers blamed on this aspect of wanting to put faith in the Lord for commercial and popkulturnye track. Despite all these attacks, within this area, there are conservative currents, which are the basis for the preservation of moral and ethical side of faith, as a way of human development.


In the Russian language is translated as «knowledge of the existence of knowledge». This period is relatively young, since it was established only in the middle of last century writer Hubbard, who aimed to raise human nature and consciousness to a higher level. At the core of the current stay ethics, morality, self - as a means of achieving a new stage of development of society.

The term «Scientology» for the first time can be found in the product Apvarda «new word». This product was the importance of the term «idealist».

Adopted allocate two branches of the flow: Free Zone (became available as an independent after a split in the mid-eighties XX century. Do not recognize the rest of the Scientologists); the Church of Scientology, which leads back to the middle of last century.

The geography of the spread of this course is very wide. Especially booming its followers are those people who wish for a short period of time to get the glory of success and wealth. An integral part of Scientology is an external impact, which should show how easily become successful and famous, if you follow this philosophy in life.

The main provisions of this area include: a man of immortality - dying in a physical shell, he continues to live in the spiritual envelope; positive person by nature, but in life are negative aspects that make it negative, the truth is not universal. For each it its own.

The main action Scientologists is direct personal contact with already have experience of Scientology. Such direct communication allows each individual to identify the most important step for himself that he needed to go on the path of spiritual formation.


This area is important - «belief in the mystical relationship of people and the world of darkness». At the core of the teachings lies the conviction that there was a link between the invisible world of spirits and the world people. Followers of the current attempt to reveal the latent potential of society through the penetration into the world of spirits.

It should make a reservation, that nowadays epithet «occult» attributable to anything that goes beyond traditional religion, often within the meaning of «sectarian». Indeed paradoksalen and the fact that generally uses occult practices and traditional religions, but in this case they were not called occult.
The structure of occultism provide the following structural parts: Predictions - control the validity of a person using the supernatural abilities; «sixth sense» - the ability priotkryvat hanging over the future and see that coming, astrology - the ability to predict future luminary; Numerology - the impact of numbers on the fate of rights. In occultism whimsically intertwined different religions and faith - such traditions can yazychnichestva adjoining with Christian traditions.

The main objective of the theoretical directions - is the knowledge of the internal soul and essence of Rights, which is outside the usual understanding of science. This provision has had its impact on science itself. As a result of human desires priotkryt drape over the secrecy of the universe, appears alchemy. The followers of this science considered sorcerers, who went to a contract with the devil to gain higher skills and opportunities.

Modern Christianity rejects occultism in all its forms and manifestations, calling him the creatures owner of hell, with a view to the temptation to shower.

Despite such one-sided interpretation of the concept of «Occult» in human psychology, as «the teachings of Satan», is worth noting that the «Occult» is the ancient knowledge and the human desire to know the world around. Thus, the next time you meet with this notion - Think before hanging the label «fiendish».