

Christianity - 1 out of 4 the most "popular" world religions. Its origins Christianity leads to the Great Eastern Roman Empire. Originally, Christianity was a period in Judaism. Founder of the religion is considered to be Jesus Christ.

An important fact is that virtually anywhere in the world can be found Christian communities.

At the core of Christianity is the belief in one God. The major moral and ethical precepts for Christians are those that are listed in the Bible. At the core of Holy Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit); to Christianity human soul immortal, spiritual above material;

In Christianity, providing the following sacrament: baptism (Dedication to the faith), miropomazane (transfer of soul grace of the Holy Spirit), confession (repentance soul of sins), hands (assigning spiritual dignity), extreme unction (in case of serious illness), marriage (a combination of God two souls).

Christianity was divided many times, the reasons for this were various conflicts of interests, attitudes. The first section took place because of the land issue when the official Byzantium learned that the Byzantine rites are beginning to be replaced at Constantinople. Conflict of Interest 2 points of Christianity and led to the first division. Further divisions were based on the failure of the new rites (5desyatniki), thirst greater influence (PCM), etc. Despite all these parts of them are exactly Christian values.

The Christian religion assigns rank «sacred» those who have distinguished themselves particularly righteous life and deeds. What particularly stresses the importance in which canonization, the length of the procedure: only with the passage of time, a large segment of the church will decide in which of the canonization, only after weighing all «for» and «against». Only the most exceptional cases, the church prisvaivala given the title of «sacred» those who in life was marked by a divine: John Paul II, Mother Teresa.

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