
New Age

Literally «new age», is a general name for the various religious currents. According to historians date the beginning of this area is the end of World II, a peak of development - the seventies century that has passed. The basis for this was esoteric and the desire to build a world in its kanonah. Etymology title of the course goes back to the faith of the early «new age», which will bring universal peace and harmony in the twenty-first century. New Age in itself does not include a strict hierarchy or malomalskuyu structure.

Followers of the areas considered sacred and possess a magic power quartz crystals.

The main causes of the current outbreak have been socio-cultural events middle of the last century. The company began to deviate from the normal, considering their last vestige of life. Especially hot this protest against the traditions of the past voiced young people who wanted to find their way. Against this backdrop, a draft of the entire previously unknown: Eastern philosophy, as unique and, accordingly, very inviting to the western world is beginning to penetrate into different spheres of life: medicine, popkultura, style, cuisine, etc. Popular culture is beginning to dominate the minds of men more people start to believe more in what they told the media. Against this backdrop, the role and influence of the Christian religion down to nothing.

The main article criticizing the direction is too narrow and one-sided interpretation of the Bible and the theories and science. Representatives of the direction selective approach to everything, rejecting completely that do not fit into their world vision. Ministers blamed on this aspect of wanting to put faith in the Lord for commercial and popkulturnye track. Despite all these attacks, within this area, there are conservative currents, which are the basis for the preservation of moral and ethical side of faith, as a way of human development.

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