
Religion and science

Everything in this world has its origin and a beginning. It is only a little searching and we find the source. For a long time, scientists, theologians, simple death began to wonder: where began the religion itself? What led to its emergence.

In ancient belief was based in ignorance and fear generated by them: many natural phenomena are beyond the understanding of people, and all due to a hand of God and his will. Our ancient ancestors prayed to the gods of fear, to avoid the vagaries of nature and receive mercy. Or in other words - the basis of religion is fear. This soil appears interlayer «enlightened» - or in another priest, who played the role of mediator between mortals and gods.

The next stage of evolution and brings a new basis of religion - the desire to achieve harmony and peace. The man - there are social and to live in harmony with these societies, people are beginning to create rules and regulations co-existence based on faith. Middle Ages brought the idea to the absolute - the religion becomes a dogma of existence - the Crusades, the main purpose of which power and money under the guise of religion. The strengths of this worlds have decided on the grounds of human ignorance, fear of the Lord - to build their power and prosperity. At that time, any cognitive activity Kara, and scientists proclaimed servants of the devil.

Then, humanity begins to be more individualistami than collectivist: the moral fabric of our existence are beginning to be formulated more than «how to coexist in peace with others», but «how to behave». Religion is beginning to emerge as a system of individual dogmas and rules that govern our behavior and thoughts.

In the century of science and progress of religion gradually replace our thrust to the knowledge of the world around them. We are beginning to penetrate into the spheres of our existence, which had previously been under a strict taboo «this is a God - death is not given to understand». Much that previously we were inclined to explain the will of the Lord, now has a strictly scientific framework and rules.

Despite such strange and a dual history of religion and science, each of whom is now taking its place in the world: religion has become a vent, which is vanity frail days helps a person; science was the same guide, which leads inquiring minds to new heights of knowledge.

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