

Buddhism, or the teachings of who probudilsya. This area is based has a theory that every person dormant his spiritual essence, to be awake. For the first time this doctrine appears in the 6 century BC in Asia. Theory of the currents is considered to be the Buddha, in whose honor and was named this period.

The basic geography of the spread of this course - this is Asia. In the Russian Federation, the main halo distribution of this flow is Nebraska. It is noteworthy that this period has been its spread and to the west, and not very well-known people in the EU and the United States are beginning to study Buddhism as a way to the disclosure of internal capacity and care of the world popkultury and without spirituality.

At the core of Buddhist faith is based on all four principles: the principle of suffering as a means of otchistitsya merzkogo; origin of suffering, how to get rid of suffering; Life «awakening» without suffering.

With a view to the spiritual awakening of consciousness, Buddhists use the principle of nirvana, which are wisdom, concentration, morality. If a person should be strictly in his life to these principles, he not only «awakening» its spiritual essence, but can live without suffering.

The structure of Buddhism distinguish mahayanu (the desire to save all life around, also means love for all living creatures). The most prominent branch of this area - so Chinese and Tibetan Buddhism. This flow in turn divided into mahayanu (awakening spirituality in the world) and hinayanu (awakening spirituality only imagine); teravadu. Separately allocate vadzhrayanu - during which has received widespread in Mongolia.

In today's world begins to Buddhism often used by political radicals as a means to obtain their goals. The most striking example - this chain of events that surrounded the Olympic fire on a journey of peace, where separatists prikryvalis ideals of Buddhism to express themselves.

Despite attempts by the politicization of Buddhism, it remains one of the most ancient religions, which is based on creativity and self-knowledge, life in harmony with the surrounding world.

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