

Theosophy, or the more common name of theology - the doctrine of God. As a means «knowledge of God», «the wisdom of this religion». The most famous theorists of the course include German theologian Jakob Böhme, Paracelsus. The origin of this term leads to the second century AD. Historians put the term in the mouth Ammonium Sakkasa as it firsthand. It is believed that it Sakkas an ancestor of philosophical theology.

The main objective of the followers of this current set - to find common ground between different religions and currents, to stop hatred based on the rejection of other religions. Subsequently, theology has become increasingly dependent on the Church, which tried as much as possible to limit the cravings of human knowledge of God, for it would have shaken monopoly church as a mediator between mortals and God.

In connection with such dedication for the church to prevent the death of their secrets, theology begins to use «mystical experience», as a way of knowledge of God. That is on top begins to go very identity of communication with God and those feelings, knowledge and experience that while this person was called. Later this experience and knowledge to systematize, in the hope of finding common elements that could form the basis of theology.

The second cornerstone is a systematic theology of origin around the world - does not appear chaotic. In all has its own system and the idea of God, which is still mortal understand not given.

Now, taken theology disintegrate neoplatonizm, kabbalu, gnosticism, rozenkreytserstvo.

In Russia the greatest theoretical development of this trend has been in the works Blavatskoy to substantiate theology as doctrine - aimed to show the existence of universal, which are at the root of all world religions, with one sole purpose - to show that different religions and directions can peacefully exist with another and that any person has a speck of God.

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