
The church - the oldest communications

Axiom is the fact that believers communicate with the Almighty through prayer, joining the trans, etc. In this sacred process, communicate the identity of God, began to interfere church.

There are so-called «Man - Church - God», which the church carries out the role of indirect link. In fact, the church is a semi-commercial structure, which in exchange for alms is ready to ensure the faithful relationship with God. For example, a parishioner wants to order a prayer for the soul of the deceased relative, that is up to God to bring his request for the grace of the dead. To that end, he, for a fee, leaving the house of God note with the name of the deceased. Then, on «church channel served God».

There is also a common channel, where the church not only Believer talk to God, but God «talk to the faithful»: the sacred text of Scripture, sermons.

The church is almost an ideal marketing service, because the church has long been able to capture market demand and provide an adequate supply of believers.

Many «ostroslovy» note that the church is well adapted to the needs of customers - if the official religion evolved, the church easily become out of the temple into a mosque or vice versa.

These theoretical developments based on science, on the willingness of Rights, even sacred moved on a path of economic and common sense. They all responded well-known Portuguese architect in the mid-60h years - "Vera, denying science, just as useless as science, denying the faith." You can not mix science and religion - because it is too different plane of consciousness, which is unlikely ever be able to get off: science can not explain faith, and faith to refute science.

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