

Religion is a form of the individual's confidence in the existence of supernatural. The basis of such beliefs is the human experience of faith and personal communication with the divine world, such as through prayer.

Every religion consists of a number of certain moral and ethical requirements that must comply with every sincere believer. The second part of religion is a unifying organization whose principal objective - the integration of people of faith and the possibility of communicating with God.

World Religions have written codes of dogmas, moral norms, prescriptions of behavior: the Koran, the Bible.

In religion allocated as follows: 1) philosophical - to teach the meaning of life believers, 2) compensation - helps overcome the difficult moments in life brings comfort, 3) Communications - Communication parishioners with each other and with God. 4) Regulatory - regulation of daily behavior of believers; 5) integrative - gives believers a sense of common life with other representatives of religious communities; 6) political - religion - it is a way for politicians to justify their actions; 7) cultural --

The relationship of religion and politics deserve special attention. For a long time policy of using religion as a cover for personal greed: the battle for power, money prikryvalis struggle for the purity of faith;

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