

In a totemizma is the belief in the sanctity of an object of worship (or totem). A certain group of people attributes to the divine properties of a subject, animal body parts, etc. In theological literature exists following the interpretation of the religious lines - the worship or praise some non-living facility or event, the belief in the power and strength, confident that all members of this group of people share common roots with the totems, and it is his immediate relatives by blood.

In Europe, the definition of «totem» first introduced Professor Longo. Historical data suggests that not he was the creator of the term. During his expeditions in the traditional African tribes, the professor has witnessed how locals worshiped «not living facilities», like the gods. However, local residents called the object of his worship - «totem». Hence, the title went - totemizm.

The most common types of totems include the following: natural phenomena (wind, rain, thunder); lights Celestial (moon, sun, stars), representatives of the animal world (cow, bull, fox); geological formation (rock, manganese, quartz); anatomical (stomach, arm, head).

There are certain rules regarding totemizma:

1) to the sacred site of worship can only touch the supreme priest, as a person with a direct link with the world of spirits;
2) No one dares to challenge the sanctity of totem poles, because it is tantamount to blasphemy;
3), only strict adherence to the cult of worship guaranteed a happy life in the community;
4) If a totem animal advocates, all representatives of the group should treat this animal and not kill these animals.
5) The second crucial reason why the need to read the totem - the belief that, after the death of a representative of the social group, in the case of righteousness, reborn in the image of a sacred totem.

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