
Abrahamic religions

The main characteristic of these religions - that belief in one god (monotheism) and full (or partial) use in his religious cult Old Testament. The historical roots of these religions go back to drevnesemitskoy stories, in particular the Patriarch Abraham.

Second, frequently the name of these religions are religions «Revelations». This title shows that the supreme deity opened the foundation of faith through his mortal prophet.

These adopted include Religion: Islam, Judaism, Christianity.

Etymology of all Abrahamic religions confined to a single ancient religions - Judaism, which was distributed in the first century BC. Subsequently, under the influence of different factors (cultural, social, traditional) Judaism begins to acquire national characteristics, which resulted in the establishment of various religions. Historians agree that the major written source of all faiths considered Torah.

Differences in religions begins in the individual supreme god. Each religion has its own distinctive features that they are unquestioned sacred. For example, for Christians, Christ is the Son of God, Savior of human souls. And for Muslims it is merely one of the prophets of Allah.

Theologians and historians agree that all major world religions have one common root of origin. This fact makes any debate about «different religions» pointless, because, in fact, religion is a common and unifying all the root - the belief and the desire to live in peace and harmony.

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