

This area is important - «belief in the mystical relationship of people and the world of darkness». At the core of the teachings lies the conviction that there was a link between the invisible world of spirits and the world people. Followers of the current attempt to reveal the latent potential of society through the penetration into the world of spirits.

It should make a reservation, that nowadays epithet «occult» attributable to anything that goes beyond traditional religion, often within the meaning of «sectarian». Indeed paradoksalen and the fact that generally uses occult practices and traditional religions, but in this case they were not called occult.
The structure of occultism provide the following structural parts: Predictions - control the validity of a person using the supernatural abilities; «sixth sense» - the ability priotkryvat hanging over the future and see that coming, astrology - the ability to predict future luminary; Numerology - the impact of numbers on the fate of rights. In occultism whimsically intertwined different religions and faith - such traditions can yazychnichestva adjoining with Christian traditions.

The main objective of the theoretical directions - is the knowledge of the internal soul and essence of Rights, which is outside the usual understanding of science. This provision has had its impact on science itself. As a result of human desires priotkryt drape over the secrecy of the universe, appears alchemy. The followers of this science considered sorcerers, who went to a contract with the devil to gain higher skills and opportunities.

Modern Christianity rejects occultism in all its forms and manifestations, calling him the creatures owner of hell, with a view to the temptation to shower.

Despite such one-sided interpretation of the concept of «Occult» in human psychology, as «the teachings of Satan», is worth noting that the «Occult» is the ancient knowledge and the human desire to know the world around. Thus, the next time you meet with this notion - Think before hanging the label «fiendish».

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