

Satanism or devil worship, came as a reaction to society over and above the dominance of Christianity. The basis of faith Satanist - Satan, who borrowed from the Holy Scriptures, but his image has become strictly opposed to Satanism. Satan was the epitome of strength and power that can lead to a new person.

Etymology notion «Satanism» goes back to the sixteenth century. In an era of the Middle Ages, the term «Satanism» was not the importance that he received today. First published sources, which meets this concept is the work of Martin Luther. In his book, it was the importance of «currents in the religion, which was in opposition to the official Christianity».

Art notok in Satanism, introduced the notion of the nineteenth century, when writers began to romanticize it. The most striking cases romantizatsii the concept in the literature can be considered a work of «There is at the bottom», in which Satanism has been described as the only way.

The main banner of Satan is a sign Bafometa, overturned a five-star.

The combination of the three shesterok, which attributed mystical properties and devilish - is merely erroneous translation of Roman numerals and numbers in Arabic, not a Satan.

In the coming century, many young people are beginning not so much because of the fact that they share a philosophy satanizma, but rather as a blow fashion, to use in everyday life attributes satanizma. The most striking example of this is different metallers, who in his image uses symbols satanizma. The most extreme and the extreme manifestation of this area is where mentally ill people start killing others, justifying all «obsession Satan» or «struggle with Satan». All these things were the definition of a «pseSatanism».

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