
Totemizm research

Historical data show us that totemizm, as a phenomenon that has existed for over 2 centuries with little. Accordingly, to talk about this course, as a separate religious cult still early.

The first scientist who began to pursue the issue totem worship, was Lennan. It first announced the existence of such beliefs scientific world. It was followed by other scientists, who continued to study totemizma: Jevons, Smith.

The first demand theory on the etymology totemizma was next. Our ancient ancestors called representatives of their social groups are not names, as we habitually, and the names of animals, the phenomena of nature, etc. Over time, our ancestors began to think that their ancestor, who say the name was «quartz», and so was earlier - that is, reborn in person.

Then came the view that totemizm is only a projection descent way of life for people living and the nonliving world around. In light of this theory, when people lived in the tribal community, and hence the living and nonliving also lived around the world, and hence to him, and you need to treat with due reverence.

The time has progressed, the number of theories that could explain the etymology of totemizma, grew, but the essence has not changed - no one theory was never able to give a clear answer to the question - «from where he went totemizm». Nowadays most demand following the theory arose.
1) ancestral worship - if a person dies, he could resurface in effect in the new guise. It should therefore be treated respectfully to the wildlife around.
2) belief in the possibility of the world «Savior of the world» from conception to flower, wind, animals, etc.

Remember that in the modern theological literature is divided regarding totemizma. How much would you have not opened the domestic and foreign works on theology and religion, the same definitions, sometimes completely exclude each other, you'll find there.

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